Obsidian on the gamebryo engine
Obsidian on the gamebryo engine

Without derailing this thread just for a quick cheat sheet: You might have minor arguments about some features you may like or dislike but as far as "fixing a bug" nothing there does anything remotely of the sort. I've actually worked with gamebryo before and I can honestly tell you almost every single setting in the INI is binary or doesn't work. All your "fix" did was temporarily disable a feature that had a bug(actually think I remember this one. The "flickering" effect fix was due to driver/game level conflicts. This has been confirmed multiple times by bethesda themselves as well. Any effect you think you see from editing those aspects of the ini files is a figment of your imagination. bMouseAcceleration not enabled in any Bethesda title.

obsidian on the gamebryo engine

I mean why do these people think we all hate EA and their business tactics.Ĭlick to expand.Yes, I am for real. Grant it there are entitled and toxic gamers, but there are toxic people that work at studios and publishers, and despite what you may think you aren't entitled to making a crappy game expecting there to be no backlash and people will just buy it up at record millions/billions of profits when you don't deserve it. Todd Howard keeps saying BGS is more than Fallout and ES, and I would respectfully disagree, BGS probably wouldn't exist if it wasn't for those 2 franchises, so why fight it, if that is what the fans that support you buy it's economics 101 you keep making it otherwise it's money left on the table, I mean because any game that wasn't Fallout or ES did well like WG hockey? Come on here, you have a responsibility not only to your shareholders but to your patrons to make a product they want and will buy, It would be like porsche saying hey we are tired of making the 911 turbo So they stop making it.I can't even imagine the balls that it would take to say that to your fanbase/customers.

#Obsidian on the gamebryo engine full

I mean yeah it's great and all that Obsidian is comforting Bethesda game studios and yeah it's a shame with that much man hours and effort.but the customers are the ones who bought it, if it didn't live up to expectations it should have never been released in that state, mistake after mistake that could have been avoided, they even repeated the same problems with Fallout 4 in 76 that they full well knew about. I don't know… People seem to really enjoy what Fallout: New Vegas was, so let's give them an experience that's as similar as we can to that." And you know what? Maybe that's a bad decision from the standpoint of the number of people that will buy it. That is what we wanted to do with The Outer Worlds, to give people that. But in our mind, there are people that enjoy where Fallout was. They own it, they get to do what they want with it. There's nothing right or wrong about that. "Bethesda is looking to take the Fallout brand in a different direction. We really enjoyed making Fallout: New Vegas and people really enjoy Fallout: New Vegas," Urquhart says. "This isn't meant to be negative - it can probably be taken as negative. Unsurprisingly, Obsidian is sympathetic to Bethesda's situation, as they say it's "painful" to see a game developers pour countless man hours into not live up to expectations, and the studio notes they've had some serious failures in the past.

obsidian on the gamebryo engine

Obsidian's own take on the Fallout universe, Fallout: New Vegas, is often cited as one of the best in the franchise, and the developers just posted a video directly addressing Fallout 76.

obsidian on the gamebryo engine

Fallout 76's had a rocky launch, to say the least, and many have used previous Fallout games as a reference point to call out what exactly went wrong.

Obsidian on the gamebryo engine